The MSF Innovation Partnership Toolbox  

Between March 2018 and January 2019, the MSF Sweden Innovation Unit carried out the Innovation Partnership Project. The project is aimed at improving our understanding of how MSF can better position itself when engaging with external partners on innovative projects, in particulate as part of projects based around co-creation, research and development, or service provision.  

As part of this project, over 60 innovation projects by MSF were reviewed to identify common challenges and opportunities for MSF teams when engaging with external partners. The outcomes are presented in the project report and an accompanying toolkit.  

The toolkit consists of seven tools. Four of these tools have been developed with both internal and external audiences in mind, while three have been developed for MSF internal audiences only.  

The externally available resources are listed below. If you work for MSF, you can access the whole Innovation Partnership Toolbox here.  

Tool 01: A Briefing for Partners: This document is intended as a brief introduction for partners working with MSF. 

Tool 02: Intellectual Property 101: This tool gives an overview of IP terminology and considerations in relation to MSF innovation. It is intended to be used at the start of projects in order to help frame later discussions. 

Tool 03: Partnership Structures 101: A short guide to understanding the potential pros and cons of different partnership models. 

Tool 04: Market Analysis 101: An analysis of the market potential of the deliverables of a project is an essential (and often missing) part of the innovation process. This short guide offers a general overview of what questions should be considered before significant resources are put into a project and why these are important. 


MSF Innovation Principles


SIU Newsletter June 2020 - Climate Anticipation, Cold Chain Innovations and Digital Health for MSFs COVID-19 Response