Pediatric Hackathon Round-Up

The Sweden Innovation Unit (SIU) initiated the Pediatric Innovation Hackathon in April 2019 in an effort to capitalize on the external and internal knowledge base available in Stockholm for the annual MSF Pediatric Days which were held with a global MSF pediatric cohort the day after the hackathon.

The presence of the core Pediatrics Days being held in Stockholm meant that broader Pediatric challenges, current care practices, and incoming priorities were being discussed by a broader MSF community signalling an opportune moment to engage this group and the wider movement in the Sweden Innovation Unit’s efforts to accelerate pediatric care practices of the future.

The Pediatric Hackathon Round-Up focused on four main challenges:

  • Non-insecticidal community-based Malaria Prevention

  • Fluid Management in Neonatal Care

  • Creative Wound Dressing and Management

  • Child-Friendly Spaces and Interventions

The Pediatric Hackathon Round-Up highlights why a hackathon was selected as a method of exploration, the challenges that were selected for the process, an insight into the outcomes from the two-day workshop, and into the anticipated and actual next steps.


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