MSF Innovation Newsletter July 2024
A supportive community provides the context for ongoing healthy habits. Conversely, negative community aspects put a person at greater risk of developing many health issues. They can also prolong the recovery process after illness or increase the risk of relapse. In this newsletter, we look closer at some MSF initiatives where community engagement is a central component.
MSF Innovation Newsletter October 2023
The climate emergency is a human health emergency. In this issue, we spotlight two initiatives where MSF has adapted its operations in response to climate change as well as an advocacy campaign by MSF Switzerland to raise awareness about the consequences of the climate emergency on the health of the populations we support.
MSF Innovation Newsletter August 2023
Some of the most revolutionary ideas start small and come from unexpected places. In addition, innovations come in all shapes and sizes - from technical solutions to ideas for changing processes to promote social change. In this edition of the MSF SIU newsletter, we explore the diverse nature of innovations.
MSF Innovation Newsletter May 2023
Children under the age of 15 make up more than 60 per cent of MSF's patients, and many have experienced conflicts, natural disasters or other traumatic events. In this edition, we feature two Play Therapy innovations by MSF: the Play Therapy Toolkit and the colouring book “Juan Pablo’s Journey”.
MSF Innovation Newsletter March 2023
In this edition, we discuss the importance of collaboration in innovation initiatives and projects and share insights from the Digital Therapeutics team with the MSF SIU’s project visit in Lebanon. We also feature a PAWsome initiative in Mexico City, where Onnie, a Labrador Retriever, provides mental health support to victims of torture and extreme violence at MSF’s Comprehensive Care Centre.
MSF Innovation Newsletter December 2022
In this edition, we share insights into the Zero Separation Workshop in Senegal, which the MSF Sweden Innovation Unit hosted in November 2022. We also feature a series of Digital Health Promotion pilot studies in Bangladesh, Malaysia and Tajikistan carried out by the MSF Manson Unit.
MSF Innovation Newsletter October 2022
In this edition of the MSF Innovation Newsletter, we spotlight two smartphone applications that help improve access to MSF’s services. We also explore the Battery Recycling Project, wich aims to investigate how MSF can improve the management of batteries at a project level.
MSF Innovation Newsletter July 2022
There is growing evidence of the various mechanisms by which climate change is affecting mental health. In this edition of the MSF Innovation Newsletter, we look at innovative approaches to providing mental health relief for people affected by extreme climate events.
MSF Innovation Newsletter May 2022
In recent years, improved access to the internet and internet-connected devices have accelerated the adoption and use of digital technologies such as social media everywhere. For MSF, this development means a plethora of new opportunities to engage with members of the communities we support – but also some challenges.
MSF Innovation Newsletter February 2022
For a global humanitarian organization as large as MSF, finding and fostering innovations from staff on the ground in +70 countries can be challenging. Achieving this requires active knowledge sharing and collaboration across the movement.
MSF Innovation Newsletter December 2021 – Democratization of Innovation
Innovations can be big or small, tangible or abstract, a technical solution or a behaviour change process. This edition of the MSF Innovation Newsletter reviews how MSF works to broaden the innovation landscape.
MSF Innovation Newsletter July 2021 – Community Involvement
This edition explores why MSF Innovators are focused on Community Engagement and ponders how digital and social media provide humanitarian organizations like MSF new and improved ways to reach and communicate with local communities.
SIU Newsletter August 2020 - Energy Behaviour Change & Open Source Epidemiology
Read on for this month's updates including how MSF is navigating digital health solutions for humanitarian and global health settings and a new method for ensuring cold chains support the optimal transfer of essential medicines.
SIU Newsletter #2 - Solar Powered Operating Rooms, AI in Health & Pediatric Care Innovations
The late and great Dr Hans Rosling wrote in his final piece of work, Factfullness, “There’s no room for facts when our minds are occupied by fear.”
The First SIU Humanitarian Health innovation Newsletter
At the end of August we were delighted to launch our very first Humanitarian Health and Global Health Innovation Newsletter.